The Pacific Section Manager Joe Speroni and the Oregon Section manager, John Core – KX7YT, ARRL Oregon Section Manager, have have been working together for the past few months to form an informal alliance on ARES training. Joe sent one of the Emergency Coordinators for Hawaii’s Big Island, Norm Cohler NH7UA. to spend some time at the Oregon SET. Norm is from Hawaii County and the North District. The cross-Section trip was reviewed with ARRL HQ and they gave approval.

Norm participated in the Statewide Oregon SET and meet with Oregon Emergency Managers as well as Washington County ARES people on their training program, grants, Winlink system use and other topics.

From the Oregon ARES/RACES webpage: “Each year, Oregon ARES/RACES holds two Simulated Emergency Tests (SETS), one each in the Spring and Fall. The scenarios range from practice communication during tsunamis, earthquakes, windstorms and floods. These SETS give radio amateurs practice operation of both voice and digital communication in the event of a real emergency. There is also a chance to practice coordinating with other ARES/RACES groups, as well county and state emergency management agencies.”





“Serious training and practice are the focus of these SETs and occasionally a SET subject on a lighter situation can accomplish both the training and practice time than the more dramatic scenarios. This SET is just such a scenario. It is centered on an imaginary Martian invasion. They have returned after their failed 2013 attempt to capture the world’s supply of Twinkies.”



In addition, some of Oregon’s more technical folks are helping the Pacific Section ARES with Winlink computer setup issues. Just recently, PAC ARES has been able to connect to an Oregon HF Pactor gateway to establish a direct connection to the mainland thanks to assistance from Thomas Noel KF7RSF.

John, KX7YT,  was appreciative of Hawaii stations participation in sending Winlink emails to the Oregon SET held on October the 14th. Here are the KH6 callsigns that made contact with us.

Norm asked if some Pactor/Winmor station in Hawaii could try to connect to a mainland Winlink RMS Gateway and send messages to the Oregon Section Manager John Core (KX7YT) and the ARES EC hosting his visit, Steve Taylor (N7BEF).  The desire is to demonstrate HF Winlink paths to their ARES members.


The Pacific Section and ARES would like to thank John and his Oregon team for welcoming Norm to their SET. They spendt a lot of time preparing for his visit, including docementation explaining this year’s SET.

The team from Oregon has posted some photos and a video at:

Remember, the Pacific Section SET is set for 21 October from 8 AM to 1 PM (13:00 hours).